PMEL Earth-Ocean Interactions Program logo National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Earth-Ocean Interactions Program

Hydrothermal Plume Funding

Current Hydrothermal Funding

Title:   Collaborative Research: Collaborative Research: U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Section – Shipboard Al, Mn and Fe. NSF-OCE-Chemical Oceanography: 9/1/12-8/30/15. Collaborative with: P. Sedwick (ODU).
Title: Collaborative Research: Dynamics of eruptive plumes above a submarine arc volcano, NSF-OCE- Marine Geology and Geophysics: 10/1/12-9/30/14. Collaborative with: W. Chadwick (OSU).
Title:  Exploration of Active Volcanism and Hydrothermal Systems in the NE Lau Basin, NOAA Ocean Exploration and Research, 2/01/10- 1/31/13, Collaborative with: R. Embley and E. Baker.
Title: Collaborative Research: Strombolian eruptions, magma degassing, and hydrothermal discharge at an active submarine arc volcano.  NSF-OCE- Marine Geology and Geophysics : 02/09-01/13, Collaborative with:  W. Chadwick, D. Butterfield, M. Lilley.



Past Hydrothermal Funding

Title: Collaborative Research: A Submarine Eruption on the North East Lau Spreading Center, a RAPID Response Effort, NSF-OCE-Marine Geology and Geophysics, Ridge 2000, 4/09-4/12. Collaborative with: William Lange, C. Moyer, D. Clague, D. Caress, T. Shank.
Title: Collaborative Research: Investigating the Distribution of Hydrothermal Activity and its Geologic and Geophysical Controls at the Lau Integrated Studies Site. NSF-OCE Marine Geology and Geophysics, Ridge 2000, 09/07-8/11, Collaborative with: F. Martinez, E. Baker.
Title: Enhancing Exploration Efficiency with Specific Application to Exploration of the Galapagos Spreading Center NOAA-Ocean Exploration, 04/05-12/11.
Title: Collaborative Research: Rapid Response to a Submarine Eruption at W. Mata Volcano: NSF-OCE Marine Geology and Geophysics, Margins Program, Margins 4/09-4/10. Collaborative with: K. Rubin, J. Cowen, J. Huber.
Title:  Collaborative Research: Hydrothermal System Response to Magma Supply and Crustal Thickness Gradients Along the Galapagos Spreading Center, 89.5-94W. NSF-OCE Marine Geology and Geophysics and NOAA Ocean Exploration, 05/04-05/08, Collaborative with: R. Haymon, K MacDonald, T. Shank, S. White, E. Baker.
Title: Submarine Ring of Fire 2005-2007: Exploring Western Pacific Arc Volcanoes NOAA Ocean Exploration, 03/05-02/08, Collaborative with:  R. Embley, E. Baker, J. Lupton, D. Butterfield, J. Resing, J. Baross, M. Lilley, W. Chadwick.
Title: Iron in the Equatorial Undercurrent: Data and Models. NSF-OCE-Chemical Oceanography, 09/04-08/08 Collaborative with: James Murray.
Title:  Exploring the Submarine Ring of Fire NOAA Ocean Exploration, 04/02 - 03/05, Collaborative with: R. Embley, E. Baker, W. Lavelle, J. Lupton, D. Butterfield, J. Resing, J. Baross, M. Lilley, W. Chadwick, R. Dziak C. Moyer, M. Tivey.
Title:  Endeavour Rapid Response. NOAA-Ocean Exploration, 03/05-09/05, Co-PIs: J Resing, E. Baker, W. Chadwick, R. Embley.

Title: Collaborative Research: Global ocean survey of dissolved iron and aluminum and aerosol iron and aluminum solubility supporting the Repeat Hydrography \(CO2\) project. NSF-OCE Chemical Oceanography, 02/03-02-06 Collaborative with: Christopher Measures, William Landing.
Title: Using Suspended Particulate Matter in Hydrothermal Plumes in the Lau Basin to Better Identify Hydrothermal Source Variability. NSF-OCE Marine Geology and Geophysics, Ridge 2000, 08/04-07/07.
Title: Collaborative Research: Investigating the interrelationships between crustal structure, volcanism, and hydrothermal activity along the backarc East Lau Spreading Center.  NSF-OCE Marine Geology and Geophysics, Ridge 2000, 09/03- 08/06 Collaborative with:  F. Martinez, B. Taylor, E. Baker.